On-Demand Webinar
3 Ways to Protect Your IBM i from Ransomware
Although ransomware doesn’t attack the IBM i operating system or native DB2 libraries, it can encrypt and rename Integrated File System (IFS) stream files that support native IBM i applications and store user documents.
Ransomware attacks can disable critical IBM i processing by damaging IFS-based configuration settings and data files. Ransomware disables business processing, breaches security, and wastes money and time in recovering from an attack.
In this recorded webinar we discuss:
• How ransomware attacks IFS stream files
• Critical IBM i security settings that protect your IFS from ransomware
• Recovery techniques and best practices to consider when an attack occurs
• Preventing, stopping, and isolating IBM i ransomware activity in real-time
Our Speakers
Joe Hertvik
The owner of Hertvik & Associates, Joe has worked with IBM i and its predecessor systems since the dawn of the AS/400 in 1989. He has managed IBM i hardware and network systems for several Fortune 500 and private companies for the last 20+ years.
Joe has written over 1000 articles covering IBM i and networking topics, making him a go-to reference for IBM i infrastructure information. He is also a former editor and columnist for IT Jungle.

Mel Zucker
Mel Zucker is a 30-year IBM veteran, who worked in AS/400 and IBM i customer engineering, program support, system engineering, and technical consulting.