Data encryption is an increasingly essential element of effective IBM i security.
Encryption is the final layer of protection for all of your business-critical data, making your data entirely meaningless to those who manage to pass through your other protection layers.
The iSecurity Encryption solution, part of the iSecurity suite, allows you to adequately protect all sensitive IBM i data and meet your compliance and regulatory requirements, including:
- Field Level (Column) Encryption for sensitive IBM i data
- Support for DDS & SQL defined files accessed through traditional I/O and SQL access
- Support for IBM i data types, including Character, Zoned Decimal, Packed Decimal, Clob and Blob
- Layered field encryption based on user authorization
- 3 Key Levels: Super Key, Master Key, Data Key
- Multiple-LPARs managed with a single key
Contact SEA to learn more about iSecurity Encryption and how it can protect sensitive IBM i data and meet your compliance and regulatory requirements.