On-Demand Webinar
DevOps on the Mainframe: Managing the Cultural Divide
In this webinar we will discuss some of the unique challenges and opportunities in adopting a DevOps (Build/Test/Deploy “To Prod”) approach on the mainframe and solutions that leverage the strengths of both “mind sets” in accelerating delivery and improving quality.
The traditional mindset regarding Release and Development (especially in the mainframe world) is to protect quality and availability by limiting change. The challenge with this approach is that the paradigm around agile development and continuous integration is based on the requirement to deliver high quality working product quickly. It’s interesting to note that this topic often surfaces when ITIL (Deploy) and Agile (Build/Test) camps meet.
Although most would agree that you don’t often find attributes of traditional mainframe applications that make them less suited to a purely agile culture, it’s worth considering that a significant inhibitor to end-to-end DevOps (Build/Test/Deploy “to prod”) is cultural.
Our Speakers
Sal Del Conte
Sal is a recognized expert in batch optimization and JCL Development. He is a 40 year IT industry veteran who has held positions with CA as the Vice President of Global Mainframe Practices, as well as with Diversified Software as the Vice President of Operability Services.
For the last 10 years, Sal has led the Implementation Services and Support organizations for Software Engineering of America, a world leader in z Systems and IBM i software products and expertise.
Jim Morgan
Jim Morgan is the Director of Sales for Software Engineering of America. Jim has extensive experience in Enterprise Software for Build and Run organizations. Jim specializes in providing modernized IBM Z products for JCL testing, batch output management and IBM Z observability for DevOps Enterprises.