Reduced Costs, Defect Elimination, Comprehensive Visibility, and more
In-Depth Guide to Enterprise Batch and DevOps Tools
SEA’s Enterprise Batch and DevOps Tools, consisting of JCLplus+ and xREFplus+DBR, modernize JCL lifecycle workflow and deliver significant cost reductions for IBM Z batch processing.
JCLplus+ batch and JCL management help keep your JCL defect-free, compliant with in-house standards, and easy to maintain, providing a secure environment for JCL quality management.
xREFplus+DBR provides a powerful JCL cross-reference solution and asset management repository, helping you understand and manage complex JCL systems.
Read SEA’s Guide to Enterprise Batch and DevOps Tools to learn more about this exceptional system for managing and optimizing IBM Z JCL environments, ensuring comprehensive visibility, improved efficiency, defect elimination, cost reduction, and reduced risk.