On-Demand Webinar
JOB Data and Syslog Management for z/OS
Modernizing for Today’s Heterogeneous Z Enterprise
A centralized and automated log management framework is vital for operational efficiency, compliance and ongoing business demands. After three decades, SEA continues its leadership role in serving the constantly changing needs of the heterogeneous IBM System Z batch output management market.
Watch as we discuss aspects of transforming and modernizing Job data and Sysout archive services for adding customer value today.
In this webinar use hands on examples to discuss:
The benefits of a layered architecture model for Z Output Management
The power of vendor supported REST API‘s in making JES dataset and other Sysout content quickly available to any authorized REST API consumer (e.g. WEB UI, Enterprise CRM)
How to view your archived JCL Sysout from an Eclipse IDE
How to ensure with the highest level of confidence, all Z Archive batch Sysout history can be quickly redeployed to an alternate cloud or distributed platform; with no impact to end user service!
Trends and future direction
Our Speakers
Sal Del Conte
Sal is a recognized expert in batch optimization and JCL Development. He is a 40 year IT industry veteran who has held positions with CA as the Vice President of Global Mainframe Practices, as well as with Diversified Software as the Vice President of Operability Services.
For the last 10 years, Sal has led the Implementation Services and Support organizations for Software Engineering of America, a world leader in z Systems and IBM i software products and expertise.
Alfredo Perez
Alfredo Perez is an International Senior Consultant and Product Manager for Software Engineering of America. He has over 25 years’ experience in different data center positions. Before joining Software Engineering of America Alfredo was a Mainframe consultant for Diversified Software Systems, IBM Global Services, and large information technology and outsourcing services company in the Latin America region.
He has worked in many areas of data processing as a system programmer and consultant, including automated operations, batch management, DevOps, accounting and chargeback, performance management, data security, operating system administration (z/OS, VM, VSE, and Unix), project management, research, and data center outsourcing strategies. He has developed and taught various courses including VM fundamentals, Accounting/Chargeback, Automated Operations, and RACF administration. Alfredo is a regular speaker at z/OS Conferences and Forums.